Sunrise Organic Park

Sunrise Organic Farm has been established as Rajasthans largest Organic Medicare Plantation. Farm/Park in Pinjrapole Gaushala under HCMS (Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society). In this organic park, medical plants, organic compost, vermi compost and super compost are produced at larger scale.

Sunrise Organic Farm aims to process most effective and excellent quality fertilizers to strengthen the countrys agricultural sector. In order to recover fertility of farmers land, the firm is developing different types of organic attributes for agricultural purpose. The expert team of the park preserves and conserves Aurvedic and medical plants, constructs nurseries and produces organic vegetables. This firm is renowned organic firm and engaged in processing, trading and wholesaling quality range of organic fertilizers as these fertilizers are very valuable in endorsing the growth of the plant in natural way. The agricultural expertise of the firm depict that these fertilizers are secure and precise to maintain the natural balance of soil. The key characteristics of this organic farm are as below:

  • Protecting long term fertility of soils by preserving organic matter levels, promoting soil biological activity and cautious mechanical involvement
  • Nitrogen self-sufficiency through the utilization of legumes and biological nitrogen fixation, as well as effective recycling of organic materials including crop residues and livestock manures
  • Provide crop nutrients ultimately using relatively mysterious nutrient sources, which are made to the plant by the action of soil micro-organisms
  • Produces organic compost with offering organic fertilizers & consultancy services, medicinal plant, earthworms, vermi compost, growth promoter (liquid) and granular growth promoter, agricultural surveys and farming services
  • Cautious concentration to the impact of farming system on the wider environment and the conservation of animals and natural habitats

This organic farm is established at Tonk Road, Jaipur. HCMS is playing immense role in developing this organic farm into states largest organic farm. The entire team of this farm is dedicated to produce only organic products by the help organic composts. Vermi compost, super compost and D-compost are prepared through natural procedure and cow dung in Gaushala. By the help of cow urine and dung different types of medical plants are farmed in organic procedure to make healthy and wealthy India.

Additionally, Sunrise Organic Farm also organizes training camps every month to provide the information about the organic agriculture and encourage the participants to produce organic products. Many of the experienced and well educated youth contribute in this training program. In sponsor to HCMS, this training program is organized under the Advance Technology and Future Prospectus of India Food Industries and Commercial Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in India Training Program. The human being can also get information and knowledge about the organic certified management system in the part.

In Pinjrapole Gaushala, approx 2000 cows are cherishing because the president of HCMS said that the health of India depends on health of cows. Different types of organic products such as fresh vegetables, pure and natural ghee, cow urine, cow dung, cow milk, herbal medicines, vermi compost, de-compost and super compost can be taken by anyone at reasonable cost. These products are beneficial for both human being and agriculture. The purpose of this organic farm is to give visitors an experience of organics that they can consider in their real life to get better health. The organizer of this farm has a wish to make organic environment and create consumer involvement insight into and commitment to organics and dairy products through training programs. The training programs offered by this farm allow visitors to experience how organic products are manufactured and used as well.

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