It is a creeper which has a brittle stem. Leaves are ovate in shape having both the ends sharp. It is about 3 inch long and 1 ½ inches broad, shiny and nodulated. Flowers are white, small having petiole 3 to 4 inch in length. Fruit is small like that of a pepper. Its color varies from red to blackish. It is found in bunches. The outer covering of the fruit is fragile and inside the seed is spotted. It is commonly seen in places that are up to the height of 5000 ft. it is generally seen in areas of eastern India, Central and lower Himalayas .
Medicinal Uses: It is use for various diese's like abdominal disorders, constipation, fungus, gas indigestion, headache, heart disease, hemorrhoids, insanity, lung disease, mouth ulcers, obesity, pneumonia, sore throat, to othache, worms.