Product Description
Scientific Name: Plantago Ovata
Synonyms: Plantago brunnea, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. minima
Common Names: Desert Indianwheat, Desert Plantain, Blonde Psyllium, Indian Plantago, Isabgol
- Duration: Annual
- Growth Habit: Herb/Forb
- Arizona Native Status: Native
- Habitat: Desert, Upland. This plant grows in dry, sunny, open areas.
- Flower Color: Light tan to dirty white
- Flowering Season: Spring
- Height: To 6 inches (15 cm) tall
Description: The flowers are on short, rounded, terminal flower spikes. The individual flowers have 4 round-ovate lobes and 4 stamens. The leaves are green, basal, and narrowly linear in shape. The plants are covered in fuzzy, white hair at right angles to the stems and leaves.
The similar Woolly Plantain (Plantago patagonica) has longer, thinner, greener, terminal flower spikes with smaller flowers.